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Official: celta renewal midfielder pavel - chuck

2017-02-02 11:04:05来源: 华体网

足球2月2日讯 西甲维戈塞尔塔官方宣布,续约球队中场帕佩-切克至2021年,同时切克也将会把自己的球衣号码从29号更换为4号,因为这是他的偶像欧比尼亚效力塞尔塔时的号码。 切克今年19岁,他是塞尔...

On February 2, football The Spanish celta vigo officially announced, renew their midfield palmer's cut - g - 2021, at the same time, also will change his jersey number from 29th to 4, because it was his idol's effectiveness at celta number than the state of Virginia. Chuck this year 19 years old, he is Selma...