新关注 > 信息聚合 > "美丽腾冲 极边福地"主题活动力推旅游新概念

"美丽腾冲 极边福地"主题活动力推旅游新概念

"Beautiful Tengchong very edge paradise" theme pushing new tourism concept

2013-05-14 14:26:12来源: 人民网

日前,以“美丽腾冲 极边福地”为主题的旅游宣传推介活动在腾冲举行。活动邀请全国的航空公司相关负责人、旅行商等130多人到腾考察,旨在进一步拓展旅游市场,宣传推介腾冲旅游形象和旅游产品,叫响“中国腾冲、天下和顺”旅游品牌,通过和多方合作进一步提升腾冲旅游的软硬件设施,创造更好的通达条件,降...

Recently, the "beautiful side of Tengchong very blessed" as the theme of tourism promotion activities held in Tengchong. More than 130 events across the country invited to the relevant person in charge of the airline, such as the traveling salesman Teng visit aims to further expand the tourism market, publicize and promote the image of Tengchong travel and tourism products, called out, "China Tengchong, the world rolls" tourism brand, adoption and multilateral cooperation to further enhance the software and hardware facilities Tengchong tourism, create better conditions for accessibility, drop ...