新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾主播大胸爆钮淡定播报 曾获"教授"金秀贤签名照

台湾主播大胸爆钮淡定播报 曾获"教授"金秀贤签名照

Taiwan anchor big chest explosive button calm broadcast was awarded the "Professor" Kim Su Hyon autograph

2014-06-03 15:59:01来源: 大众网

曾获“教授”金秀贤签名照 一夜间,这条新闻成为各媒体的热门点击,陈海茵个人主页的粉丝人数也猛涨到20几万人,没有谁不知道“大胸爆钮”陈海茵。台湾主播大胸爆钮淡定播报 曾获“教授”金秀贤签名照 据台湾媒体报道,从事新闻工作超过15年,年近四十的东森当家主播陈海茵,依然是冲劲十足。 台湾主...

won the "Professor" Kim Su Hyon autograph overnight, the news has become a hot click the media, the number of fans Chen Haiyin personal home page has soared to 20 tens of thousands of people, do not know who did not "big chest explosive button" Chen Haiyin. Taiwan anchor big chest explosive button calm broadcast was awarded the "Professor" Kim Su Hyon autograph according to Taiwan media reports, engaged in the news work for more than 15 years, nearly forty years of the eastern headed anchor Chen Haiyin, is still the dashing. Taiwan main...

标签: 主播