新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国网庆城县供电公司“安全管理暨素质提升”培训..


Its Chinese town deqing county electric power supply company "safety management and quality promotion training.".

2016-01-25 15:20:20来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

1月20日,国网庆城县供电公司“安全管理暨素质提升”培训班开班,包括各部门负责人、供电所所长以及一线员工在内的140多人参加培训,以进一步增强员工安全意识,夯实全员专业知识基础,提升队伍综合素质。 ...

On January 20, its Chinese town deqing county electric power supply company "safety management and quality promotion" training class, including the head, power substation and frontline staff, director, more than 140 people took part in the training, in order to further enhance employees' safety consciousness, strengthen the overall professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality. ...