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手机支付适得其反 星巴克业绩受拖累

Mobile payment counterproductive Starbucks performance suffer

2017-01-28 04:45:21来源: 新浪

FX168财经网(北美)讯 北美大陆最先推行手机支付的餐饮连锁星巴克咖啡最近愁眉不展。2014年推出的手机支付已经占据了星巴克27%的消费额,公司十分倚重手机支付系统,原本是想让顾客享受更多的便利,...

FX168 business network (North America) North America was the first to introduce mobile payment restaurant chain starbucks coffee when you are sad recently. Launched in 2014, the mobile payment starbucks accounted for 27% of consumption, the company is very dependent on mobile phone payment system, was meant to let the customer enjoy more convenient,...