新关注 > 信息聚合 > 免费上网!衡水主城区无线WiFi公共场所室外全覆盖


Free Internet access! Complete coverage of hengshui city outdoor wireless WiFi public places

2017-01-01 04:46:47来源: 长城网

长城网12月31日讯(记者 邢梅智 胥文燕 刘澜澜)如果你是衡水市民,如果你这个元旦要去衡水旅游,那么恭喜你,这座城市为你备好了免费上网大礼!12月31日,记者从衡水市发展和改革委员会获悉,该市主城...

The Great Wall network - December 31 (reporter XingMeiZhi XuWenYan Liu Lanlan) if you are citizens of hengshui, if you want to go to the New Year's day hengshui tourism, so congratulations you, the city ready for the free Internet access for you! December 31, the reporter learns from hengshui city development and reform commission, the city's downtown...