新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宋冬野台湾音乐会火爆 盛赞台湾姑娘

宋冬野台湾音乐会火爆 盛赞台湾姑娘

Song Dongye Taiwan concert unpopular praised the Taiwan girl

2014-04-02 00:46:41来源: 大众网

” 宋冬野不知专辑《安和桥北》已悄悄在台湾热卖,尤其在文青界掀起一股热潮。宋冬野这次也前往卢广仲演唱会观摩,两人也相谈甚欢,直呼相见恨晚。”宋冬野说,5月在北京有一场个人专场演出,原本已想好基本架构...

"Song Dongye does not know album" an He Qiao Bei "has quietly sells well in Taiwan, in particular, set off a boom in the green field. Song Dongye this time also went to Crowd Lu concert to watch, two people also talk, call regret we didn't meet sooner." Song Dongye said, in May there was a personal concert performances in Beijing, originally want to have a good basic framework...