新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传三星3季度推首款可折叠智能机 可变身7英寸平板

传三星3季度推首款可折叠智能机 可变身7英寸平板

The samsung 3 quarter pushed the first folding phones can change to 7 inch tablet

2017-01-12 21:53:03来源: TechWeb

本周早些时候,有报道称三星正在筹备两款惊艳的“Galaxy X1”可折叠设备,并且有望于今年晚些时候推出。此前也有不少传闻称三星计划在今年推出多款可折叠智能机,据说是组件制造商们终于可以交付用于制造柔性触屏的零部件了。不过最新的韩国消息来源称,预计三星会在今年3季度推出首款可折叠智能机,...

Earlier this week, it was reported that samsung is preparing two amazing "Galaxy X1" folding equipment, and is expected to launch later this year. Previously there are many rumours that samsung plans this year many foldable smartphones, is said to be the component manufacturers can finally delivered components used in the manufacture of flexible touch screens. But the latest south Korean sources said that samsung is expected to be launched in the 3 quarter of this year's first folding phones,...

标签: 三星