新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈尔滨驾校集体涨价涉垄断 黑龙江物价局展开调查

哈尔滨驾校集体涨价涉垄断 黑龙江物价局展开调查

Harbin driving school collective price for monopoly price bureau in heilongjiang province

2017-01-23 11:30:23来源: 国际在线

□本报记者崔东凯张冲 2016年12月初,哈尔滨市驾校学费普遍上涨,价格从2000元至3000元涨到4000元以上,涨幅超过1000元。《法制日报》记者从权威渠道获悉,黑龙江省物价局已经介入调查...

- our correspondent Cui Dongkai Paul chang in early December, 2016, Harbin, driving school tuition fees rise generally, price from 2000 yuan to 3000 yuan to 4000 yuan of above, up more than 1000 yuan. The legal daily reporter learns from authoritative sources, the price bureau of heilongjiang province has been investigated...