新关注 > 信息聚合 > 失传的京剧《酒丐》重出江湖


The lost Beijing Opera "wine beggar" reproduces rivers and lakes

2017-04-18 23:47:12来源: 中国青年报

“飞檐走壁属我行,一生来去影无踪!”舞台上,一个黑衣男子手拉绳索,在空中轻巧一荡,身手敏捷地破窗进入敌营,神不知鬼不觉地将被关押的将门小姐平安救出。动作一气呵成、行云流水,引得台下观众啧啧称奇。 ...

"The wall of the wall is my line, and my life is gone!" On the stage, a man with a black coat pulled the rope in the air. He broke the window into the enemy's enemy's camp with a quick hand. The action was in one breath and the flow was smooth. ...