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越繁华的CES 越“简约”的三星

The bustling CES the simplicity of samsung

2017-01-07 02:18:31来源: 参考消息

中新网1月6日电 2017一开年,万众瞩目的CES电子展终于如期而至,在这个全球性的电子盛会现场,各大参展厂商们纷纷摩拳擦掌,亮出自己的独门绝技,意图吸引更多前来探秘的消费者。而作为常年占据CES焦...

Beijing, Jan. 6 (2017 YiKai, much-anticipated CES electronics has finally come, in the global electronic event scene, each big exhibition manufacturers are manoeuvring, dropping his own talents, road of the intention to attract more consumers. As a perennial occupy CES coke...

标签: 三星