新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邱波卫冕失利盼与冠军里约再战 透露没有女朋友

邱波卫冕失利盼与冠军里约再战 透露没有女朋友

Qiu Bo for the championship fight defending defeat Rio revealed no girlfriend

2014-07-20 23:29:56来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 长凳上的邱波[微博]目不转睛地望着高台上的队友杨健,压轴登场的他即将上演难度高达4.1的109B(向前翻腾四周半屈体)。数秒之后,尘埃落定。尽管对方精彩的发挥,意味着自己已无缘蝉联世界杯...

of sina sports dispatch on the bench Qiu Bo [] One's pupils do not turn. micro-blog looked on the dais teammate Yang Jian, finale debut he will perform the difficulty as high as 4.1 109B (forward somersault pike). After a few seconds, the dust settles. While the other side of brilliant play, means that they have no to win the world cup...