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欧冠前瞻:巴黎枪手焦点战 瓜式曼城首战欧冠

Champions league perspective: Paris gunners focus war melon type city opening champions league

2016-09-13 16:23:39来源: 华体网

瓜帅首次率领曼城出战欧冠 讯 北京时间9月14日凌晨,2015-2016赛季欧冠联赛A到D组将会进行第一轮的较量。其中巴黎将会在主场迎战阿森纳,巴萨将会对战罗杰斯执教的凯尔特人,瓜迪奥拉将会上演自...

Melon handsome led Manchester city for the first time in the champions league - morning Beijing time on September 14, 2015-2016 season the champions league group A to D will be in the first round of the contest. With Arsenal will be in Paris, Barcelona will play Rogers in charge of the celtics, pep guardiola will put on the...