新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈赫蒙面现身《食囧》搞事情 徐峥囧餐厅内神秘失踪

陈赫蒙面现身《食囧》搞事情 徐峥囧餐厅内神秘失踪

Chen He masked in the food stopping doing things Xu Zheng cannonballs restaurant mysteriously disappeared

2017-02-10 02:45:13来源: 国际在线

国内首档原创轻喜剧美食真人秀《食在囧途》第九期将于本周六22:00播出。节目中,陈赫满怀“一锅不煮,何以吃天下”的壮志豪心,蒙面现身“囧”餐厅放言“搞事情”,利用徐峥“失踪”之际欲带领众成员重组“囧”餐厅。 陈赫蒙面登场欲踢馆 “囧”餐厅内徐峥神秘失踪 本期节目,“囧”餐厅迎来蒙...

The domestic first original comedy food reality show "food in town road wrap-up September issue has been set for Saturday. , Chen He with "a pot of boiling, why the world" the ambition of hao heart, masked appeared in "off" restaurant pronounced "doing things", using Xu Zheng members to lead as the "missing" restructuring "off" restaurant. Chen He masked appearance to play hall "off" restaurant Xu Zheng mysteriously disappeared This programme, "off" restaurant in...