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TGC2017完美收官 《剑侠情缘2:剑歌行》首测强势接棒

TGC2017 well packaged "sword knight errant love 2: poetry" was first strong pick up sticks

2017-12-05 10:57:28来源: 任玩堂

一年一度的2017腾讯游戏嘉年华(简称TGC2017)完美落幕,而由西山居原班团队打造,腾讯游戏独家代理发行的首款“虚幻4”引擎RPG手游《剑侠情缘2:剑歌行》惊艳亮相并首度开放试玩。次世代唯美国风,一门双流派挑战和知名coser实力演绎游戏重要剧情的角色让现场气氛达到高潮!在收获诸多玩家的一致好评后,《剑侠情缘2:剑歌行》今日迎来首次技术测试,让我们一起看看有哪些值得期待的内容!TGC2017完美收官 唯美国风引热议从20年前第一款单机大作剑侠情缘开始,国人永不衰退的武侠热情,以及从故事情节、游戏玩法乃至于游戏配乐都堪称上乘的精品之作,造就了剑侠情缘这一经典IP。《剑侠情缘2:剑歌行》中各具...

Annual 2017 tencent carnival game (hereinafter referred to as TGC2017) perfect end, while the western hills in the original team, tencent games exclusive agency issued the first "unreal" 4 engine RPG mobile game "knight errant love 2: sword poetry" stunning appearance and open to try out for the first time. Huai nextgen aestheticism, a double genre challenges and well-known plot play important roles coser strength makes the scene atmosphere to orgasm! After harvest praise of many players, "sword 2: knight errant love poetry" in technology for the first time test today, let's take a look at the content of what is worth looking forward to! Huai TGC2017 well packaged aestheticism lead buzz from 20 years ago, the first single was blowing knight errant love began, americans never wuxia enthusiasm of recession, as well as from the plot, game play even in the both the game soundtrack, elaborate works, created the knight errant love this classic IP. Jx 2: sword poetry "in each...