新关注 > 信息聚合 > 精锐老板有钱任性!手握三把高伤无级别


Elite boss rich capricious! Holding the three high injury level

2017-03-31 13:31:35来源: 17173

文章 摘要 精锐老板有钱任性!手握三把高伤无级别 今天帅编给大家带来的是精锐组别联赛玩家的装备展示,这位玩家的装备虽然在精锐组别中称不上独一无二,但是这些装备不论是在联赛中还是其他PK的玩...

The article the boss rich elite capricious! Hand three put high level of injury without today handsome bring equipment is the league's elite group of players show, although the player's equipment in the elite group not unique, but the equipment both in the league and other PK play...