新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德国队赛后评分:基米希小猪厄齐尔好评


Germany's score after the game: kimi and praise him in the pig

2016-09-01 13:24:02来源: 华体网

体育9月1日讯 德国队热身赛2-0击败芬兰,赛后,德国媒体SPORT1也为德国队球员本场比赛的表现进行了打分,上演告别战的队长小猪和基米希以及厄齐尔等人收获了好评。 德国队首发:特尔施特根(3分)...

Sports on September 1 2-0 defeat to Germany's friendly in Finland, after the game, the German media SPORT1 performance for Germany's player of the game, say goodbye to the captain of the war on pigs and kimi and eritrea has reaped praise other people. Germany:, root straw (3)...