新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多哈赛小德失3赛点险胜穆雷 终结对手疯狂28连胜

多哈赛小德失3赛点险胜穆雷 终结对手疯狂28连胜

Doha three match points narrowly beat Murray, who lost the end opponents crazy 28 wins in a row

2017-01-08 03:51:28来源: 新浪

小德在比赛中 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月7日(多哈当地时间6日)消息,总奖金为1237190美元的卡塔尔公开赛展开决赛的争夺,世界第一穆雷与世界第二小德如愿会师决赛。卫冕冠军在第二盘第10局浪费3个赛点被对手逆转。但决胜盘中他顶住反扑以以6-3/5-7/6-4击败对手,惊险复仇的同时也...

Druid sina sports - Beijing time in the race on January 7th (doha) local time 6, total $1237190 in Qatar open final competition, Murray, one of the largest in the world and the world second smallest, and reach the final wish. Defending champion 10 innings waste three match points in the second set has been reversed. But dramatic 14-minute he resisted kickback to 6-3/5-7/6-4 beat his opponent, thrilling revenge also...