新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丁蕙小学开展关爱在杭流动儿童活动


Take care of floating children in hangzhou activities Ding Hui elementary school

2016-07-19 17:20:53来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线浙江站讯(记者 陈显婷 实习记者 应惠婷)炎炎夏日,正值暑假,学生们都在这酷暑天气干什么呢?是宅在空调房里学习,还是和爸爸妈妈在外游玩呢?近日,丁蕙实验小学的校园里迎来了一群可爱的体验者...

China education online zhejiang stand dispatch (reporter Chen Xianting intern reporter Should be HuiTing) sorching summer, during the summer vacation, the students are doing in this hot summer weather? Is home to study in an air-conditioned room, or visit mom and dad in the outside? Recently, the Ding Hui experiment elementary school campus in the experience of a group of lovely...