新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海马S5 Young将于今晚上市 定位小型SUV

海马S5 Young将于今晚上市 定位小型SUV

Hippocampal S5 Young will be listed positioning small SUV tonight

2017-03-21 14:58:39来源: 爱卡汽车网

2017年3月21日,海马S5 Young将于今晚上市发售。据悉,定位于小型SUV的海马S5 Young在搭载1.6L自然吸气发动机基础上,根据配置的差异化共推出6款车型以供消费者选择。 看了以...

On March 21, 2017, the hippocampus S5 Young will be available tonight. It is reported, locates in the small SUV hippocampal S5 Young on the basis of carrying naturally aspirated 1.6 L engine, according to the difference of the configuration about 6 models for consumer choice. Look to...

标签: SUV