新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上市药企品牌价值榜出炉 排首位的那家超200亿!

上市药企品牌价值榜出炉 排首位的那家超200亿!

Drug firms listed on brand value from a list of first row of the more than 20 billion!

2017-04-14 20:55:54来源: 医药网

医药网4月14日讯 近日,有媒体报道称,清华大学经管学院中国企业研究中心与每日经济新闻合作,研究并发布了2017中国上市公司品牌价值榜(包括总榜Top100,海外榜Top50,民营榜Top50)。其...

Medical network - on April 14, recently, there are media reports that China enterprise research center of tsinghua university academy of management in collaboration with the daily economic news, study and released the list of 2017 Chinese listed company brand value (including the total list done, overseas plunged, a list of private plunged a list). Its...