新关注 > 信息聚合 > 希望为大别山支教者搭建服务平台


Hope to be a teacher in dabie mountain building service platform

2016-07-25 02:01:33来源: 长江商报

长江商报消息 大别山支教团坚持五年为湖北大悟县小学支教,发起人表示将进行机构注册—— □本报记者吴婷 “do re mi fa so la ti ……”7月19日,在湖北省孝感市大悟县宣化镇茶坳...

The Yangtze river business news Dabie mountain ZhiJiaoTuan adhere to five years for hubei dawu primary school teaching, the promoter says will be registered - - our correspondent franna "do re mi fa so la ti... "On July 19, in hubei xiaogan dawu town of xuanhua tea col...