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非洲电商太火 法电信运营商7500万欧入股

Africa electricity suppliers too Fire Law telecom operators 75 million EU shares

2016-04-06 19:10:09来源: 亿邦动力网

4月6日消息,与同行Bouygues Telecom洽购失败后,法国最大的电信运营商Orange昨日(周二)宣布,出资7500万欧元入股电商巨擘非洲互联网集团Africa Internet Group(以下称AIG)。Orange集团CEO Stéphane Richard表示,“此次投资是公司进军非洲电商领域的第一步,这对未来Orange提升用户体验、扩大客户群来说有着非比寻常的意义。直到2014年12月31日,非洲客户人数占我们用户总人数的45%,产生的营业额占总营业额的11%,即43亿欧元。”而对于AIG来说,此次投资为其强化仓储、物流、技术能力提供了资金帮助,同时该集团可借助Orang...

On April 6, news, and peer Bouygues Telecom negotiation failed, France's largest telecommunications operator orange yesterday (Tuesday) announced that invested 75 million euros investment business giant Internet Group in Africa Africa Internet Group (hereinafter referred to as the AIG). Orange Group CEO st e phane Richard said, "the investment company is into the first step in the field of electronic business in Africa, the future orange to enhance the user experience, and expand the customer base has the unusual significance. Until December 31, 2014, the number of African customers accounted for 45% of the total number of users, resulting in a total turnover of 11% of the total turnover, that is, 4 billion 300 million euros." And for AIG, the investment to strengthen its warehousing, logistics, technical capabilities to provide financial help, while the group can be with the help of Orang...

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