新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗黑神域》场景原画曝光 超现实暗黑风来袭

《暗黑神域》场景原画曝光 超现实暗黑风来袭

Diablo domain "scene of the original painting exposure surreal dark wind struck

2015-07-01 15:06:59来源: 电玩巴士

随着《暗黑神域》关注度的升高,官方特地放出了一批暗黑系的原画,让各位玩家能够更加真实的体验到暗黑之风的降临。 《暗黑神域》官方网站:http://ah.chcgame.com 【传奇场景 泰...

with increasing degree of attention to Diablo domain", official specially released a group of dark lines of the original, so that each player is closer to the real experience to Diablo wind coming. "Dark god domain" official website: http://ah.chcgame.com...