新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如皋公路站获安全演讲比赛二等奖


Rugao Road Station won the two prize in safety speech contest.

2016-07-05 15:41:40来源: 中国公路网

日前,如皋市交通运输局在如港公路磨头收费站举办以“安全发展忠诚卫士” 为主题的安全演讲比赛,本次比赛活动是交通运输系统“安全生产月”系列活动的重要内容之一。来自局机关、执法大队、公路、航道、海事等1...

Recently, Rugao Transportation Bureau held a safety speech contest on the theme of "Safety Development Loyal Guardian" at Rugang Highway Motou Toll Station. This contest is one of the important contents of the "Safety Production Month" series of activities in transportation system. From the Bureau, law enforcement brigade, highway, waterway, maritime and so on 1...