新关注 > 信息聚合 > 发条日曝:2016年9月27日游戏圈要闻速读


Exposure: spring day on September 27, 2016, news of the circle game speed reading

2016-09-27 20:30:08来源: 07073游戏网

标签: 游戏 事件 微信扫一扫左侧的二维码,关注“07073游戏”吧; 这里每天都有好玩的,好看的; 现在绑定账号,就能参加神秘活动,专属礼包,拿到手软;

Tags: game events WeChat scan on the left side of the qr code, focus on "07073"; Have fun every day here, nice. Now binding account, can attend the mysterious activities, exclusive gift bag, get a soft;

标签: 游戏