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人工智能步步惊心 理性看待不必心惊?

AI do not have a rational view step by step startling scared?

2016-03-26 16:26:08来源: 环球网

电影《超能陆战队》中的“大白” 电影《人工智能》剧照 电影《她》剧照 AlphaGo与李世石对战现场 日本医疗机器人 轰动全球的“人机大战”已落下帷幕,人工智能系统AlphaGo以4:1的比分战胜了世界顶级围棋棋手李世石,让人唏嘘不已。同时,机器人几乎毫无破绽的计算能力...

Movie "Super Marines" in the "white" film "Artificial Intelligence" film stills "she" and stills AlphaGo Shishi Japanese medical robot battle scene shocked the world, "man-machine war" has ended, artificial intelligence systems AlphaGo 4: 1 score win over the world's top Go players Shishi, people marvel. At the same time, the robot almost no flaws computing power ...