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酷派23周年庆:商城天猫齐发力 豪礼豪券送不停

Cool 23 anniversary: ​​Lynx mall together and force ho ho ceremony to send non-stop ticket

2016-05-03 11:08:59来源: 中关村在线

近日,酷派天猫旗舰店已正式上线,作为"中华酷联"之一的酷派,凭借自身在手机领域的多年积累不断向用户提供优质手机产品,而借此商城上线之际,酷派也面向新老用户推出了一大波有力的促销活动。 据介绍,除了收藏店铺送流量、评价送红包、购机送大礼包等优惠活动,酷派天猫旗舰店还在4月26-27日参...

Recently, Cool Lynx flagship store has been formally launched, as cool "China cool linked" one, with their own accumulated for many years in the mobile space continues to provide users with high-quality mobile phones, on-line store and take the occasion, also facing the new cool old users launched a large wave of strong promotional activities. According to reports, in addition to Favorite Stores send traffic evaluation bribe, purchase spree and other promotions, Cool Lynx flagship store on April 26-27 also participate ...

标签: 天猫