新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不入微软法眼:AlphaGo离AI还很远


The Microsoft fayan: AlphaGo is far from AI

2016-03-15 10:39:01来源: 中关村在线

据外媒报道,人机围棋大战让谷歌AlphaGo成了科技界的明兴,同时媒体也开始对AI(人工智能)的评论一边倒。不过最近在hunch上,一位微软专家在其博客上称,也许事实完全不是这样的。 AlphaGo离AI还很远(图片来自baidu) 微软称“以Go本身为例,它应用的蒙特卡洛树搜索法...

According to foreign media reports, man-machine chess war let Google AlphaGo into the scientific community Mingxing. At the same time, the media also began to lean to one side to comment on AI (Artificial Intelligence). But recently on hunch, a Microsoft expert on his blog said, perhaps the fact is not the way it is. AI is still far away from AlphaGo (picture from Baidu) Microsoft said, "Go itself as an example, it applies the Monte Carlo tree search method...

标签: AI 微软