新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王思聪也看好的电竞江湖:TI5总奖金高达1837万美元


Wang Sicong is also optimistic about the gaming arena: ti5 total prize money of up to $18.37 million

2015-08-09 16:47:58来源: 每经网

本届TI5总奖金最终确定为1837万美元,冠军EG战队赢得其中超过660万美元,中国队获得了比赛的第2、3、4、5名,据悉,亚军284万美元,季军220万美元,第四名155万美元,第五名119万美元。 EG战队赢得冠军 每经记者 张斯 近年来,随着DOTA2等一系列电竞游戏的兴起...

current ti5 finalized for $18.37 million, eg champion team won the more than $660 million, the Chinese team won the game 2, 3, 4 and 5. It is reported that the runner up $284 million, runner up $2.2 million, the four 155 million dollars, the five 119 million $. EG team won the championship after each reporter Zhang Si in recent years, with the rise of DOTA2 and a series of games gaming...

标签: 电竞