新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易游戏高级市场总监向浪:产品成绩是厚积薄发..


Netease game senior marketing director to wave: the products in question is senior marketing director of accumulate..

2015-08-06 18:34:00来源: 电玩巴士

网易游戏高级市场总监向浪:产品成绩是厚积薄发的结果 2014年下半年,网易接连推出了《影之刃》《乱斗西游》《天下HD》等众多重量级产品。而后,在今年推出了《西游神魔决》《梦幻西游手游》《猫和老鼠》《有杀气童话》《百将行》等一系列手游,其中《梦幻西游手游》不仅在中国区App Store...

Netease game wave direction: product performance is the profound knowledge of the 2014 second half of the year, Netease launched a series of "shadow blade" the scuffle swims on the west "the world HD" and so on many heavyweight products. Then, in this year launched a "mythical West definitely" "dream swims on the West Tour", "cat and mouse" the murderous fairytale "the line" and a series of mobile games, which "dream swims on the West tour, not only in China app store...

标签: 游戏 网易