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Pudong KPL king glory professional league co-branded credit card info first hero

2018-09-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

9月12日,2018KPL王者荣耀职业联赛秋季赛燃情开赛,经过一个休赛期的等待,本届KPL秋季赛赛程更加密集,战队对决更加激烈,也将展现更为精彩的比赛。作为KPL王者荣耀职业联赛2018赛季的官方合作伙伴,浦发信用卡于开赛当天推出浦发KPL王者荣耀职业联赛联名信用卡逐梦系列英雄卡面,精心打造用卡专属权益,为KPL粉丝群体带去全新用卡体验,走在金融跨界电竞领域最前沿。 浦发信用卡自今年春季推出首套KPL官方信用卡以来,收获了众多电竞爱好者的支持与好评。为进一步回馈用户的支持,在新赛季,浦发信用卡首次推出两款英雄形象卡面——“逐梦之音”和“逐梦之影”。卡面设计上,选择“貂蝉”、“韩信”两款极具...

On September 12, 2018 KPL king glory professional league, opening the autumn season, after an offseason of waiting, the schedule more intense KPL autumn season, the team more intense confrontation, will be more wonderful game. As KPL king glory professional league official partner of the 2018 season, pudong development credit card in the opening came up with the pudong KPL king glory professional league co-branded credit card dream series hero info, with exclusive rights, meticulously for KPL fans bring new card experience, take the forefront in the field of financial cross-border e-sports. Pudong development credit card since the first set of KPL official credit card this spring, harvest a number of e-sports fan support and praise. To further feedback user support, the new season, pudong development credit card for the first time launch two heroic image info - dream "voa" and "shadow of the dream". Info on the design, the choice "the sable cicada", "han xin" two extremely...

标签: 王者荣耀