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DNF圣耀服务有什么用 DNF圣耀服务有哪些特权

What privileges are there to serve the service of the DNF Saint Yao with the service of the DNF saint

2017-12-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今天阿雷发现DNF官网上增加了一个DNF圣耀服务计划, 这项服务阿雷看起来很是牛X啊,如果能达成钻企鹅等级的话,全部特权都可享受的!!! 阿雷不知道有多少DNF勇士可以达到最高的等级! 这个是评判的标准,根据这个标准阿雷觉得自己最低也应该是银企鹅,但是事与愿违..... 阿雷至少有一个卢克主C的号和41个职业号....竟然才是普通用户,希望官方能在具体说明一下这个评判的标准或者检查下算法是否有问题..... 那么来看看网络上的小伙伴是如何说的: 4个卢克角色一堆蛇小号居然就金企鹅了 我4个B套C+一个毕业奶金 不知道标准现在毛线团写的才47次卢克金的 ...

Who found the DNF website today added a DNF sunyork service plan, this service who looks very cow X, ah, if you can reach the level of the drill penguin, all can enjoy the privilege!!! Who do not know how many DNF warriors can reach the highest level! This is a judgment standard according to this standard, who feel the minimum should be silver penguins, but not... At least one Luke Aguirre. The main C number and 41 number. What is the occupation... Ordinary users, I hope to explain this in the specific criteria or check whether there is a problem. Then the algorithm to see... The network buddy is how to say: 4 the role of Luke was a pile of small snake king penguins I 4 B C+ set a gold standard now graduated milk do not know the wool to write only 47 Once the Luther king...

标签: DNF