新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《绝地求生》公布2018年更新计划:新地图、新系统


To survive the jedi: 2018 update plans announced new maps, the new system

2018-03-09 11:00:08来源: 游戏时光

今天凌晨,《绝地求生》官方公布了 2018 年度计划,描述了蓝洞方面计划在今年为《绝地求生》带来的更新。新地图今年的《绝地求生》将更新一张全新的 4x4 地图,相比传统的两张地图,本地图格局娇小,单局时间也会变短。官方希望玩家通过小型地图体验“更加强烈、更有速度感的竞技生存”。同时在今年下半年,《绝地求生》还会再推出一张 8x8 的新地图,但详细信息尚未公布。表情系统除地图外,官方也计划为游戏添加更多内容。例如表情系统,届时玩家将可以像《GTAOL》一样通过快捷键做出全身表情,下图为官方演示:新武器在上半年官方计划更新新武器与新配件,目前官方放出了一张新枪图片:交互优化官方将更新肢体/车辆贯通...

Early this morning, to survive the jedi official released 2018 annual plan, described the blue hole plan in this year bring to survive the jedi's update. This year's new map to survive the jedi will update the new 4 x4 map, compared with the traditional two maps, local petite figure pattern, single office time will be shorter. Officials want players in the small map of experience "more intense, more sense of speed of competitive survival". In the second half of this year, at the same time to survive the jedi will launch a new map of 8 by 8 again, but the details have not been announced. Expression system in addition to the map, the official also plans to add more content to the game. Expression system, for example, when a player will be able to like the GTAOL through shortcuts to make the whole body expressions, below is the official presentation: new weapons in the first half of the official plan update new weapons and new accessories, the official released a new gun pictures: interactive optimization official members will update/vehicle through...