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Somic electric soul shining star of the season entertainment

2015-11-24 01:22:34来源: 中关村在线

人人心中都有一个英雄。2015年娱乐星赛季梦三国2总决赛盛典11月14日于河南郑州圆满地落下了帷幕。硕美科携手电魂网络,在上个周末,一起为闻讯慕名前来的无数粉丝奉献出一道饕餮盛宴。 让我们通过现场发回的图片,一起回顾一个个精彩的瞬间吧。 现场硕美科的红色LOGO十分显眼 现场...

Everybody has a hero. 2015 Entertainment Dream Star Season 2 Finals Three Festival November 14 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province successfully came to a close. Somic electric soul to join the network, in the last weekend together for countless fans heard the news come to dedicate a gluttonous feast. Let's back to the scene of the picture, along with a review of a wonderful moment of it. Site somic red LOGO very prominent spot ...