新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颗粒化保险提升场景体验 量子保科技创新赋能行业

颗粒化保险提升场景体验 量子保科技创新赋能行业

Granular Insurance Enhances Scene Experience Quantum Insurance Technology Innovation Enabling Industry

2018-01-16 14:56:57来源: DoNews


Today, the Internet consumption environment is complex and changeable. Traditional insurance companies have come online to develop Internet business in order to seek new growth points. Internet companies also expect to introduce insurance services to enhance the value of the platform and reduce operational risks and costs. The reality is that the traditional insurance products can not meet the complex and changeable new consumption scenarios of the Internet. On the other hand, the lack of technology at the level of wind control and big data also hinders the business connection between Internet companies and insurance companies, which provides a great space for the development of insurance technology companies such as Quantum Insurance. The Granular Insurance Enhancement Scene Experience was recently announced at the China Innovation Marketing Summit in 2017. Quantum Insurance won the heavyweight award "Best Innovation Technology Platform Award 2017" to commend its innovative "Granular" insurance for promoting the entire Internet insurance industry. As an innovative enterprise in the field of insurance science and technology, Quantum Insurance uses innovative technology to do everything in one fell swoop.