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小牛金服斩获Global Finance杂志最佳金融科技创新奖

Dallas gold take gains Global Finance magazine best financial innovation of science and technology

2017-10-11 16:36:57来源: DoNews

2017年9月15日,世界知名财经杂志《Global Finance》发布了第十届中国金融年度明星奖获奖名单,用以表彰中国最优秀的金融机构。作为中国领先的金融科技公司,小牛金服(Neo Financial)获得2017年金融科技创新奖,而去年获得该奖项的企业则是蚂蚁金服,此次与小牛金服共同上榜的企业还有中国银行、中国工商银行、中国平安、财付通等。11月20日,该年度大奖将在北京举办颁奖典礼,小牛金服将亮相颁奖现场领取该重量级大奖。从2016年起,小牛金服顺应行业发展,启动了金融科技驱动战略,推动了小牛金服的快速蜕变。金融科技优化了原有商业模式,降低了企业的运营成本,与此同时,通过大数据风控与人...

On September 15, 2017, the world famous financial magazine "Global Finance" issued the 10th China financial star of the year award winners, awarded to the best financial institutions in China. As China's leading Financial technology company, the mavericks gold suit (Neo) Financial gain Financial innovation of science and technology in 2017, and won the award last year enterprise is the ant gold, the gold suit with calf jointly listed companies and the bank of China, industrial and commercial bank of China, China's ping an, tenpay, etc. November 20, the annual award the prize presentation ceremony will be held in Beijing. The mavericks gold suit for the heavyweight prize at awards. Since 2016, the mavericks gold dress suit industry development, launched the financial strategy of science and technology driven, promoted the mavs take the rapid disintegration of gold. Financial technology to optimize the original business model, reduces the enterprise operating costs, at the same time, through the large data of risk control and people...