新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双11新路由销量告捷,新路由3plus届时发售!


The 11 new road from sales, new road, plus the sale from 3!

2017-11-14 15:18:50来源: DoNews

随着天猫双十一全天交易额达1682亿元,京东双十一总销售额1271亿元的狂欢战绩,今年双十一正式收官,总体来说各大电商在双十一购物节的总销售额均是满堂彩!数据显示,仅仅5分钟,京东3C数码的总销售额即破11亿,成为销售榜前列的品类之一。在本次购物节公开的销售榜单中,我们发现,无线路由器成为天猫淘宝和京东平台用户主要的消费火力之一,其中百元左右的无线路由器是本次双十一活动的主力,今年的消费者更是偏爱购买具有良好性能和功能的中高端路由产品,当然物廉价美的路由也是他们选择的标准之一。作为备受消费者期待的新路由,今年双十一势不可挡!新路由这次双十一惊喜降价,给了消费者最大的福利。明星产品newifi ...

As Tmall double tenth all day a turnover of 168.2 billion yuan, jingdong, double tenth of the total sales of 127.1 billion yuan to carnival this year put a formal MSC, in general the electricity in the double tenth total sales are house down a shopping day! Figures show that only 5 minutes, jingdong 3 c digital total sales of 1.1 billion, one of sales in the front row in the list of categories. Section in the shopping public sales list, we found that the wireless routers become Tmall taobao and one of the major consumption fire jingdong platform users, of which one hundred yuan of the wireless router is the main force of the double tenth one activity, consumers prefer to purchase more of this year has a good performance and functionality in high-end routing products, of course, things cheap routing is one of their choice of standard of beauty. This year, as consumers are looking forward to the new road by double tenth an unstoppable! The new road by the double tenth a surprise price, give the consumer's welfare. Star product newifi...