新关注 > 信息聚合 > 出售游戏外挂刷金币日入五万 两男子被逮捕

出售游戏外挂刷金币日入五万 两男子被逮捕

The sale of the game plug-in brush gold, fifty-two thousand men were arrested

2015-04-22 00:18:51来源: 新浪

网络游戏是人们休闲娱乐的一种方式,但一些不法分子却利用“网游”外挂,大肆侵犯游戏所有者的合法权益。4月17日,大庆市公安局召开新闻发布会,通报该市破获了全国规模最大的、利用游戏外挂程序破坏计算机信息系统的案件。 警方抓获外挂工作室人员 非法获取虚拟财产 网警布下天罗地网 今年2月...

Sina network game is a way of people's leisure and entertainment, but some criminals are using "the net swims" plug-in, wantonly violated the legitimate interests of the owner of the game. In April 17th, the Daqing Municipal Public Security Bureau held a news conference, informed the city cracked the largest game plug-ins, the destruction of computer information systems case. The police arrested outside the studio personnel illegal access to virtual property of network under the cloth nets above and snares below the police in February this year...

标签: 游戏