新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无主之地OL》开测倒计时 潘多拉星球即将来临

《无主之地OL》开测倒计时 潘多拉星球即将来临

The Lord ol "open test countdown Pandora coming online games FPS+RPG Sina

2015-08-06 17:41:30来源: 新浪

由盛大游戏代理,2K开发的美漫“FPS+RPG”网游《无主之地OL》终于将在8月12日迎来跟疯内测!在下周的这个时间,想必喜欢无主系列的粉丝们已经在潘多拉星球尽情享受爽射的快感了!接下来让我们盘点一下本次《无主之地OL》的开测关键词: 关键词一:疯 玩过或者了解过前作的玩家都知道...

by Shanda agent, 2K develops the beauty diffuse the Lord ol" will finally in August 12, ushered in with the crazy beta! At this time next week, I would like to enjoy a series of fans who have already been in the Pandora planet to enjoy the cool! Next let us take stock of this "no" to the "OL" of the key words: key words: crazy play or know the former players know...