新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《异度神剑2》「黄金国伊拉」新预告和实机演示公布


The thin excalibur 2 "el dorado Iraq" announced a new forecast and real machine demonstration

2018-08-25 12:20:13来源: 游戏时光

2018年德国科隆游戏展正在举办中,英国任天堂公布了《异度神剑2》的大型 DLC“黄金国伊拉”的剧情预告片,并一并公布了该 DLC 的35分钟实机试玩视频。剧情预告实机试玩“黄金国伊拉”DLC 将带领玩家回到《异度神剑2》本篇剧情500年前的圣杯战争时期。玩家可以从劳拉和真的视角见证到英雄阿德尔与教廷的争端,视频中也可以看到“黄金国伊拉”的剧情将更加成人化,城市与人民毁灭的场景也将直接出现。视频截图:“黄金国伊拉”DLC 将于2018年9月21日推出,购买季票的玩家可于9月14日提前下载游玩。官方同时将推出“黄金国伊拉”的实体版内容,允许玩家脱离本体单独游玩。此外实体版还包含数字下载码,购买了...

Game show is held in cologne in Germany in 2018, the British nintendo released the "thin excalibur 2 large DLC" el dorado Iraq "plot trailer, and released at the DLC 35 minutes of real machine demo video. Plot forecast real machine demo "el dorado Iraq" DLC will lead players to return to the "thin excalibur 2" this story of the holy grail war 500 years ago. Players can from Laura and really perspective to hero adel disputes with the Vatican, can also be seen in the video "el dorado Iraq" plot will be more adult, city and the people's destruction of the scene will appear directly. Video capture: "el dorado Iraq" DLC will be launched on September 21, 2018, buy season tickets to the player can download play on September 14, in advance. Official also will launch a physical version of "el dorado Iraq" content, allowing the player to separate from the ontology. Besides entity version also contains a digital download code, buy...