新关注 > 信息聚合 > 另一款《索尼克》新作公开2017年登陆NX平台


Another landed in NX in 2017 ", the "new public platform

2016-07-23 14:00:36来源: 电玩巴士

日前世嘉在“索尼克25周年派对”中公开了索尼克系列25周年纪念作《索尼克狂热》,不过这并不是他们唯一公开的系列新作。他们在此次活动中还预告了另一款新作,这款被称为“索尼克计划2017(Project Sonic 2017)”的游戏是独立于《索尼克狂热》的新作。而从预告片来看,本作和经典2...

Sega has publicly in the "SONY grams of the 25th anniversary of the party" the 25th anniversary of sonic series as the sonic fever, but it is not their only open new series. They also notice in the event the another new movie, this is called "Sonic plan 2017 (Project 2017) Sonic" game is independent of the Sonic fanaticism. But from the trailer, and make a classic 2...

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