新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓝港2016发布会:10款手游连发 将推VR游戏

蓝港2016发布会:10款手游连发 将推VR游戏

The blue port 2016 conference: 10 mobile game series will push VR games

2016-04-27 22:02:33来源: 17173

4月27日,蓝港互动2016战略发布会在北京召开,公布了包括《蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇》《苍穹之剑2》《捉妖记》等在内的10款游戏,并介绍了蓝港在IP、主机与VR等领域的发展动向。 10款手游新作连发你看的过来吗? 本次发布会上共计公布了10款手游产品,包括自主研发的《王者战神》《大话...

On April 27, 2016 blue port interaction strategy conference was held in Beijing, released including "of shushan ZhanJi knight errant legend" of "the blade of sky 2" vampire slayer demon ", such as 10 game, and introduced the blue port in IP, developments in the field of host and VR, etc. Ten new book series mobile game you want to come over? The conference announced a total of 10 mobile game product, including independent research and development of the "king of dahua...

标签: 游戏 VR 手游