新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七龙珠首款手游《龙珠激斗》今日安卓上线


Dragonball the first mobile game "dragon ball fireworks" android online today

2016-03-28 15:11:26来源: 爱拍游戏

书架上排列整齐的几十本漫画书,记载了儿时对《七龙珠》的挚爱与着迷。时隔二十余年,每当听到小孩念着能量球、元气斩等招术时,仍能将记忆牵回到童年时代。守在电视机前废寝忘食的看动画,上课时偷偷在课本下看漫画的日子早已一去不返,而《七龙珠》却一直都在我们身边。 由万代南宫梦正版授权、成都数字...

Neat rows of dozens of comic books on the shelf documented childhood love of "dragon ball" and fascinating. After more than 20 years, whenever hear a child read a ball of energy, vigour chop recipe, still will lead back to the childhood memory. Keep sleepless nights in front of the television watching animations, secretly in class under the text read comic days are long gone, and the "dragon ball" is always around us. Authorized by the ten thousand generation the nangongshan dream genuine, chengdu digital...

标签: 安卓 手游