新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋国服预购地址 5月24日全球同步上线

守望先锋国服预购地址 5月24日全球同步上线

Watch the pioneer countries take pre-orders address on May 24, online at the same time around the world

2016-03-28 15:19:50来源: TechWeb

近日在WCS中国站的决赛上网易李日强公布了守望先锋的国服内测时间,这则消息令不少期待守望先锋的粉丝一颗悬着的心落了下来。守望先锋国服预购定在3月29日,5月3日即可内测试玩。接下来给大家带来守望先锋国服预购地址。 1、国服购买价格,数字畅玩版198元、典藏版328元(所有包含游戏内容与...

Recently on the WCS grand prix final netease kestrel lee unveiled a watchman pioneer countries take private time, the news that many fans to watch pioneer a heart of hanging down. Watch the pioneer countries take pre set on March 29, can be closed on May 3, demo. Then bring you watch pioneer dress purchase in advance to address. 1, the purchase price, the digital chang play edition collection of 198 yuan, 328 yuan (contain all the game content and...

标签: 守望先锋