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Digimon Digimon story "super" beta in the hot

2015-12-31 17:58:57来源: 不凡游戏网

还在怀念儿时的经典动漫《数码宝贝》吗?何不参与由该动漫改编而来的超人气手游《超级数码暴龙》的删档封测呢!承载着诸多8090玩家童年回忆的《超级数码暴龙》已于12月29日在华为、小米等渠道进行火爆封测中,封测开启才短短两天,可玩家们的热情早已点燃了整个数码世界! 《超级数码暴龙》完美还...

Still miss the classic anime "digital baby"? Why don't you participate in the super popular Mobile Games "from the anime adaptation of the" super Digimon beta delete files! Carrying many 8090 internationally childhood memories "super Digimon" has been on December 29 in Huawei, millet and other channels are unpopular IC packaging and testing, open beta in just two days, players enthusiasm had lit the whole digital world! "Super Digimon" is perfect...