新关注 > 信息聚合 > 万元奖金花落谁家 《全民飞机大战》2周年生日派..

万元奖金花落谁家 《全民飞机大战》2周年生日派..

Who a RMB ten thousand bonus for civil aircraft wars 2 anniversary birthday parties..

2015-12-31 16:22:08来源: 不凡游戏网

《全民飞机大战》将于2016年1月9日迎来2周年生日,游戏团队为感谢玩家对游戏的支持,不仅在游戏内为玩家献上丰厚福利,也将在当日于深圳欢乐海岸举办一场盛大的线下生日派对——《全民飞机大战》2周年飞行时光盛典,与百位忠实粉丝一同欢庆《全民飞机大战》2岁生日。 在2周年盛典上,游戏玩家将...

Civil aircraft wars will be on January 9, 2016, 2 anniversary birthday of game players of the game support team to thank, not only in the game for players to offer generous welfare, will also be on the same day they are joy coast in shenzhen have a big offline birthday party - the plane wars 2 anniversary of flight time festival, with one hundred fans in the civil aircraft wars 2 birthday celebration. On the 2 anniversary celebration, the game players will...