新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻诛仙2公测新服“离天圣火”11月6日开启


Fantasy Zhu Xian 2 beta new service "days away from the flame," November 6, open Sina

2015-11-04 17:57:26来源: 新浪

《梦幻诛仙2》新版“万千宠爱”正值火热公测中,为更多玩家畅享新版内容。游戏将在本周五(11月6日)12:00加开新服[离天圣火]。值得一提的是,11技能妖兽兽神宝宝将陪你笑傲群雄!新服将开启多重活动,并有本服专属回馈带来超凡奖励! 《梦幻诛仙2》双线一区[离天圣火]将于本周五中午12...

"dreamy kill celestial being 2" version of "thousands of pet comes hot beta, to more players free to enjoy the new content. The game will be on Friday (November 6th) 12:00 add a new service [from] the day. It is worth mentioning that, 11 skills monster beast god baby will accompany you to triumph in the pack! The new service will open multiple activities, and has the exclusive reward of this service to bring extraordinary rewards! "2" Double Fantasy Zhu Xian District [] from the days of flame will be held this Friday at 12...

标签: 诛仙