新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D射击游戏《铁翼少女》2021年2月25日发售


3D shooting game "iron wing girl" on sale on February 25, 2021

2020-10-03 09:53:33来源: 游戏时光

  云豹娱乐宣布,由日本 Production Exabilities 团队开发的高速 3D 射击游戏《铁翼少女 Wing of Darkness》将于 2021 年 2 月 25 日发售,登录 PS4/NS/PC 平台,支持中文。  剧情描述:不明强大敌人“虚无者”乍然现身,能够操控“赫尔特系统”的“铁翼少女”,成为对抗强大敌人“虚无者”的唯一手段。“铁翼少女”虽然身为人类的希望,却同时面对恐惧并承担命运摆弄,她们也将渐渐失去重要的事物。  玩家将亲自与少女一同亲自对战“虚无者”,击退敌人,在天空中自由翱翔。  同时,玩家将通过 3D 作画,聆听两名少女主角以各自角度述说这场战争,内容包含全日文语音及多国语言字幕收录。实体特别限定版内容:游戏原声带:收录由 2 位主演声优献唱的完整版片头曲、片尾曲原创广播剧:

Yunbao entertainment announced that the high-speed 3D shooting game "wing of darkness" developed by Japanese production capabilities team will be on sale on February 25, 2021. It will log into PS4 / NS / PC platform and support Chinese. Plot description: the unknown powerful enemy "nihilist" suddenly appears, and the "iron winged girl" who can control the "Hult system" becomes the only means to fight against the powerful enemy "nihilist". "Iron winged girl" is the hope of human beings, but at the same time facing fear and bearing fate, they will gradually lose important things. Players will fight against the "nihilist" in person with the girl, repel the enemy and fly freely in the sky. At the same time, players will draw 3D pictures and listen to the two girl protagonists narrate the war from their respective perspectives, including all Japanese voice and subtitles in multiple languages. Content of the special Limited Edition: Original Soundtrack of the game: including the full version of the opening song and the ending song sung by two leading actors

标签: 游戏