新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传奇世界》经典区霸州地图即将开放


"World of legend" classic Bazhou District map is about to open door crashing

2015-08-13 11:46:26来源: 17173

碧空城之门轰然开启,霸州地图映入眼帘,勇士们旗鼓呐喊、整装待发,天下兵马齐进霸州!《传奇世界》激情跨服资源争夺战霸州争霸即将热血开放!经典区的勇士们发挥真正实力的时刻已经到来,一战成名尽在眼前! 巅峰对决狼烟再起 引万人瞩目 作为《传奇世界》最顶级的巅峰赛事,被广大传世玩家最为关...

azure city open, Bazhou map greets, warriors fanfare cry, ready and horses in the world Qi PA! "The legendary world" the passion of trans service resources for the fight against Bazhou, is about to open the blood! The classic area of the warriors to play a real strength of the moment has come, a war fame in front of! Showdown with renewed Langyan cited million people watched as "Legends of the world" at the top of the pinnacle event, was the vast number of players handed down the...